What’s new in eformsign: October 2024

[New] Parallel signing added to New from my file

The parallel signing feature, which allows you to send documents to multiple recipients at the same time regardless of the workflow order, is now available when creating documents using New from my file.

Previously, parallel signing was only available when creating documents from New from template. Now, in New from my file > Add Recipients, you can merge recipient steps together so that documents can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time.

[New] Added the Document history tab to the Manage activity history page

We have added the Document history tab to the Manage company > Manage activity history page, allowing you to view all user activities related to documents.

You can easily grasp various document activities at a glance—such as creation, viewing, and deletion—and check the activity history of not only members but also external recipients.

  • The Document history tab displays information including date and time, user, document name and ID, activity type, details, IP address, and access environment.
  • You can download document history in CSV file format.

 How to view document history

1. Navigate to the Manage company > Manage activity history page in the sidebar.

2. Click Document history on the left side of the screen.

3. Choose the time period and activity type you want to view, and enter keywords if necessary.

4. Click the search button to view the history that match the criteria.

*You can view the history of the last two years and can search for up to three-month intervals at a time.

[Enhancement] The Save to my documents feature is now better than ever!

When creating documents using New from my file, the feature for saving to the My saved documents inbox has been improved.

Previously, even if you changed the document name when saving to the My saved documents inbox, it would overwrite the existing document instead of saving it as a new one. Now, you can use Save As to save it as a new document with a different name.

  1. Click the Save button in the New from my file screen.
  2. Click Save as in the Save to My saved documents pop-up, change the file name, and click the Save button.
  3. The document is now saved as a new file in the My saved documents inbox.


  • If there is a file with the same name in the My saved documents inbox, a pop-up will appear asking whether you want to overwrite it. If you click Yes, the existing file will be overwritten.
  • If there are two or more files with the same name in the My saved documents inbox , the other files will automatically have their names changed and will be displayed in the format ‘filename_n‘ in order of the most recent save date.
  • The document name, which was previously set in Options, can now be changed in the top-right corner of the screen after clicking Start now.

[Enhancement] Document managers can now resend documents

Previously, only the most recent member who processed a document could resend it. Now, document managers have been granted the permission to resend documents, allowing them to resend documents to recipients who have yet to process documents.

  • For documents that can be resent, a resend button will appear in the Manage documents page and the Manage bulk sent documents page > Detail View.
  • When resending documents in bulk from the Bulk send inbox page and the Manage bulk sent documents page, you can change the existing message and document expiration.
✅ Manage documents

 Manage bulk sent documents

[Enhancement] More formulas supported when using eformsign for Microsoft Office in Excel

When creating templates in Excel, the following functions are now additionally supported:

  • DAY
  • YEAR

[Other] Usability and UI improvements

Additionally, to enhance usability, the following features and UI have been improved:

  • Placeholders for signature fields are no longer displayed in completed documents.
  • Enhanced the UI of the pop-up displayed when sending SMS.
  • Templates in the Manage templates page are now displayed in list format (previously thumbnail).