Robust and Flexible Member and Access Management

Create and manage users and groups to enhance productivity.

Role-based Access control

eformsign provides 5 types of roles with only the company administrator having permission to add and manage members and groups.

Different types of roles are granted to members based on the permissions they have, safeguarding all eDocuments and data stored in the account.

5 types of access control

Company Administrator

  • Access to all menus.
  • Open, create, and manage all documents.
  • Ability to transfer the company administrator role to another member.
  • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Company Profile > Click the ‘Delegate Role’ button.

Company Manager

  • View and edit company, group, and member information.
  • Edit messages in eformsign email and SMS notification templates.
  • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage company' option.

Template Manager

  • Access to the 'Manage templates' menu.
  • Upload, edit, deploy, and delete templates.
    • A template manager may not neccessarily be the template owner of a template. Only the template manager who uploaded a template becomes the template owner of that template.
    • If a template manager is not the owner of a template, one can only view and duplicate the template.
  • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage templates' option in the 'Member info' tab.


  • Assign document creators to each template.
  • A document creator of a template can create documents from that template in the 'New from template' page.
  • How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Template usage > Group or member > choose the members and groups that can create documents from the template.

Document Manager

  • Manage documents created from a template.
  • If a member is assigned as a document manager of a template, then the member can open, delete, download (in PDF & CSV) documents created from that template in the 'Manage documents' page.
  • How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Document management > Groups and members > choose the members and groups that can open, void, or permanently remove documents created from this template.
  1. Company Administrator

    • Access to all menus.
    • Open, create, and manage all documents.
    • Ability to transfer the company administrator role to another member.
    • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Company Profile > Click the ‘Delegate Role’ button.
  2. Company Manager

    • View and edit company, group, and member information.
    • Edit messages in eformsign email and SMS notification templates.
    • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage company' option.
  3. Template Manager

    • Access to the 'Manage templates' menu.
    • Upload, edit, deploy, and delete templates.
      • A template manager may not neccessarily be the template owner of a template. Only the template manager who uploaded a template becomes the template owner of that template.
      • If a template manager is not the owner of a template, one can only view and duplicate the template.
    • How to grant the role: As the company administrator, go to Manage company > Manage members > choose a member and then tick the 'Manage templates' option in the 'Member info' tab.
  4. Creator

    • Assign document creators to each template.
    • A document creator of a template can create documents from that template in the 'New from template' page.
    • How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Template usage > Group or member > choose the members and groups that can create documents from the template.
  5. Document Manager

    • Manage documents created from a template.
    • If a member is assigned as a document manager of a template, then the member can open, delete, download (in PDF & CSV) documents created from that template in the 'Manage documents' page.
    • How to grant the role: As the company administrator or a template manager, go to 'Manage templates' and choose a template > Template settings > Set permissions > Document management > Groups and members > choose the members and groups that can open, void, or permanently remove documents created from this template.

Document transfer feature

You can transfer documents from one member to another.

Simply select the transferer and transferee. All the documents created, in progress, and opened by the transferer can be transfered to the transferee at once. You can check the document transfer history under the History tab of each document.

Adding a new member

  1. Login to eformsign.
  2. Go to Manage company > Manage member.
  3. Click 'Invite members'.
  4. Enter one of the email, eformsign ID, or phone number of the member you want to add.
  5. Click 'Send' to send the invitation URL.

If you need to add more than one member, use the Bulk-invite feature to invite multiple members at once.

Only the company administrator and company managers have the ability to add new members.

FAQs on Member and Access Management

  • Do deactivated members count on the plan's maximum number of users? open

    The number of user accounts is the sum of active and invited members.

    Number of users = Active Member + Invited Member

    Therefore, deactivated members do not get accumulated to the plan's maximum number of users.

  • Can I invite multiple members at once? open

    Yes. You can invite multiple members at once. However, only company managers or the company administrator can send out member invitations.

    Invitation can be sent via Left Menu (≡) > Manage company > Manage members. Multiple members can be invited by inserting a semi-colon(;) between email addresses.


    You can also invite multiple members at once by clicking 'Bulk invite' in the 'Manage members' page and uploading an Exel file. This feature is only available to paid users on a paid plan.

  • I would like to assign roles to an invited member before the member signs up on eformsign. open

    After inviting a member, the company administrator can assign company manager and template manager roles to the invited member as follows: go to Manage members > select the member > assign roles under the 'Member info' tab.

    The company administrator can also assign a document manager role to an invited member as follows: go to Manage templates > Template settings > Set permissions > select the invited member to assign the role.