What’s new in eformsign: March 2022

Thanks for visiting our March product updates blog. Take a look at what eformsign has been up to this month.

Verify the recipient’s identity via SMS?

If you have been using our Require email verification feature to verify recipients’ identity by email, well, now you can use the same feature to verify identity via SMS.

By enabling this feature, which has been renamed to Require email/SMS verification, recipients can verify their identity by entering the PIN code they receive by SMS as well as email.

To enable this feature, simply go to Template settingsWorkflow and select either a participant or reviewer step (must be a non-member). Then, go to Identity verification on the right and check the Require email/SMS verification option.

Enabling the Require email/SMS verification feature
Verifying identity by entering the PIN code received via email/SMS
❗ Note that sending a document via email/SMS will require the recipient to verify by email/SMS, respectively.
