What’s new in eformsign: July 2024

[New] Trash feature

We have added the Trash page so that when a document is deleted, it is not deleted immediately, but goes to the Trash and is stored there for a period of time.

Documents that you manually delete from an inbox or the Manage documents page, and those that are automatically deleted according to the Document retention period are stored in the Trash page, which is a new addition to the sidebar menu.

  • The Trash menu is visible to all members, but the list of documents shown and the available actions differ depending on your permissions (company administrator, document manager, member).
  • Documents sent to the Trash page are deleted permanently after 14 days, and members can manually restore or permanently delete them.
  • Restoring documents is only possible for manually deleted ones.
  • Documents in the Trash can be permanently deleted if they were deleted by you, while automatically deleted documents can only be fully deleted by the company administrator or a document admin. Permissions determine which articles can be fully deleted.
  • Depending on your permissions, you can delete the following documents.
    • Company administrator: All documents created by company members that are shown on the Manage documents page.
    • Document manager: Documents in which you have been granted permission to delete that are shown in the Manage documents menu.
    • Member: Your draft documents in your inbox and documents you created that have been rejected.

✅ Permanently deleting a document from Trash

1. Click the Trash menu in the sidebar to navigate to the Trash page.
2. Click the Delete permanently button below the document you want to delete permanently. If you want to delete multiple documents, tick the boxes to the left of the documents and click the Delete Permanently button at the top of the screen.
3. In the pop-up displayed, click the Delete permanently button to delete the document permanently from the system.
❗ Caution: Permanently deleted documents cannot be restored.

Restoring a deleted document

1. Click the Trash menu in the sidebar to navigate to the Trash page.

2. Click the Restore button below the document. If you want to restore multiple documents, tick the checkboxes to the left of the documents and click the Restore button on the top right corner of the screen.

3. In the pop-up displayed, click the Restore button to restore the document to its original inbox.
❗ Note that you cannot restore documents that have been automatically deleted after the retention period has ended.

[New] Fortified Security

For enhanced security, we have added the following security features.

1. Two-factor authentication login

  • The Two-factor authentication feature uses Google OTP, email, or SMS authentication for additional verification at login to protect your account.
  • You can configure the settings in the Manage company > Security settings > Login settings menu and only the company administrator can access it.
  • If you enable this feature, you will be automatically logged out, and any subsequent logins will require two-factor authentication. 
  • The default authentication method is Google Authenticator.
  • The default authentication method can be changed to any of the following if this feature is enabled.
    • Google Authenticator
    • Email verification code
    • SMS verification code
Enabling two-factor authentication login
Changing the authentication method

2. Disable multiple logins

  • The Disable multiple logins feature allows you to restrict multiple logins from the same account.
  • You can enable it in the Manage company > Security settings > Login settings menu and it can only be enabled by the company administrator.
  • When enabled, only the last device or browser you accessed (or logged into) will remain logged in, and everyone else will be automatically logged out.
  • When enabled, you can change the Auto logout time and Auto logout warning.
  • Auto logout time allows you to set the time after which you are automatically logged out if no activity is detected for a certain period of time after signing in, from a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 1,440 minutes (24 hours).
  • Auto logout warning allows you to set the time at which you want users to see a warning message before being automatically logged out. You can set it from 30 seconds to 300 seconds.

3. Lock inactive accounts

  • The Lock inactive accounts feature allows you to restrict logins from accounts that have not accessed eformsign for a certain period of time.
  • You can enable it in the Manage company > Security settings > Login settings menu and can only be enabled by the company administrator.
  • When you enable this feature, it restricts logins from accounts that have not logged in to eformsign for a set period of time from that point forward.
  • Set inactive period allows you to set the period of inactivity after which accounts will be automatically locked. The inactive period can be set between 7 and 365 days.
  • Members with locked accounts can use eformsign after requesting the company administrator to unlock their accounts. The company administrator can unlock accounts on the Manage members page.

4. Manage activity history

  • The Manage activity history feature allows you to view the history of logins, profile revisions, downloads, and permissions, as well as download the history in the CSV format.
  • You can access it in the Manage company > Manage activity history menu and it can be accessed only by the company administrator.
    • Login history: View the login history of company members. 
    • Profile revision history: View the revision history of members’ profiles.  
    • Download history: View the download history and reason of company members. 
    • Permission management history: View the history of activities that occured in the Manage permissions page.

5. Prevent consecutive digits in passwords

  • The Prevent consecutive digits in passwords feature enforces account password rules and restricts the repeated entry of four consecutive digits of the same letter or number when setting passwords (e.g. 1111, 1234, aaaa, abcd, qwer, etc.).