Signing Freelance Instructor Contracts at Pilates Centers with eformsign

In this post, we will introduce freelance instructor contracts widely used in Pilates centers. A well-structured freelance contract is essential to prevent disputes between employers and freelance instructors, but how can you draft it more intelligently and efficiently?

✅What is a Freelance Instructor Contract?

Depending on the employment structure, the form of the contract can vary. Generally, Pilates centers hire instructors (trainers) in two ways:

  1. As regular employees affiliated with the center.
  2. As freelancers, who are not employees under labor law.

Technically, freelancers are not considered “employees” under labor law, meaning there is no legal obligation to sign a standard employment contract. However, having a written agreement is strongly recommended to facilitate smooth dispute resolution if conflicts arise over work conditions or compensation.

✨Differences Between Freelance and Employment Contracts

As freelancers are not considered to be employees, regulations around paid leave, severance pay, annual leave allowances, or minimum wage do not apply. The key difference between employment and freelance contracts often comes down to the nature of payment:

  • If the compensation is provided for working hours under the employer’s direct supervision and control, it is considered an employment contract.
  • If payment is made for the completion or outcome of a project, it can be viewed as a freelance contract.

However, even if it’s labeled a freelance contract, certain conditions may reclassify it as an employment contract. For example, if an instructor has a fixed start/end time, they must adhere to internal rules and regulations, works under the employer’s orders or instructions without full autonomy, and is required to submit regular work reports, this arrangement could be seen as an employment contract instead.

Key Considerations When Drafting a Freelance Contract
Clearly state that this is a “freelance” agreement, not an employment contract.
If you include mandatory working hours or essential tasks, it may be interpreted as employment under labor law.
Avoid terms that suggest the instructor receives direct instructions or supervision.
Ensure the instructor can perform their duties freely and independently.
Because it is not employment, allow the instructor to work multiple jobs as long as it doesn’t harm the business owner’s interests.

Case Study on eformsign Adoption

“Y” Pilates, an eformsign client, manages franchise centers nationwide. They regularly sign contracts with numerous instructors to offer Pilates classes to their customers.

Previously, they relied on paper contracts, which required manual drafting, printing, and revision for each instructor’s varying terms. Managing documents across multiple franchise locations also proved challenging. This led “Y” Pilates to consider an electronic contract solution that is cost-effective, legally secure, and highly versatile.

Results After Implementation

Following the introduction of eformsign, “Y” Pilates now completes instructor contracts on tablets. They simply upload their existing contract template to eformsign, then add fields for the contract period, work conditions, instructors’ name and contact information, and signatures.

Once a contract is finalized, it’s automatically sent to the instructor via SMS and email. All executed documents can be quickly retrieved from the Completed inbox at any time, making it far easier to store and manage a large number of contracts. Centralizing the contract process streamlined operations, enabling the head office to effectively oversee instructors contracted at each location and improve overall administrative efficiency.

Moreover, “Y” Pilates expanded the use of electronic contracts beyond just instructor agreements. They now handle member contracts (membership registration forms), refund requests, and personal information consent forms electronically, achieving a paperless environment within the center.

By digitalizing member contracts, which often require extensive information entry, “Y” Pilates saved time previously spent on paperwork. Customers also enjoy improved convenience since they no longer need to store hard copies—everything is accessible via SMS and email. This not only benefits the center’s operational efficiency but also enhances the experience and satisfaction of their customers.
