Granting the Document Manager Permission

Only the admin can perform this action.

A member with the document manager permission can open, void, and remove documents for which the member has permission.

  1. Go to Manage company > Manage permissions in the sidebar.
  2. Select Document manager under Permissions at the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the Add a document manager button at the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select the member you want and then click the Confirm button.
  5. Click the Settings button of the document manager you added, and filter the documents he/she can manage by document creator and document type. For example, if you select a member named John Doe under Document creator and All documents under Document type, then the document manager has the permission to manage all the documents created by John Doe.
  6. On the right, you can select the permissions you want to give to the document manager for the filtered documents.
  7. Once you are done configuring the settings, click Save.

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