E-signing Power of Attorney Forms for Board Meetings with eformsign

In this post, we are going to talk about e-signing power of attorney forms for board meetings.

Whether it’s an annual meeting or an extraordinary general meeting held once or twice a year, confirming attendance and obtaining proxies is crucial, as a lack of a quorum can result in the failure of a meeting to make important decisions.

✅What is a Power of Attorney Form?

A power of attorney form is a document that you use to entrust someone with certain tasks that you need to get done. By creating a power of attorney form, you give your agent the authority to act on your behalf and authorize them to act legally. You can use a power of attorney form for anything from handling civil matters to signing a contract to represent you in a real estate transaction, applying for registration to form a company, authorizing a legal representative to litigate, and voting at a board meeting.

Reasons for Using eformsign to Sign Power of Attorney Forms

Around two to three times a year, an eformsign customer working for an association notified their members and executives about their extraordinary general meeting to be held and asked the members to fill out power of attorney or proxy forms. It was not feasible to ask the members in person, and mailing or emailing them would have resulted in not being able to collect them in time, making it a hassle for the customer.

Traditionally, the customer collected signatures for power of attorney forms from the members via mail and email. When sending the power of attorney forms by email, recipients had to print the form, sign it by hand, scan it, and email/mail it back. This was a frustrating situation for both the recipients and the sender (customer). This resulted in the customer thinking about how to improve the signature collection process.

Benefits of Using eformsign to Sign Power of Attorney Forms

The customer was looking for various ways to improve their business processes regarding power of attorney forms, and when they realized that an e-contract service could be used for Power of Attorney forms for board meetings, they consulted with eformsign consultants. After the consultation, they were able to easily transform their existing power of attorney forms into electronic documents and set up a template to efficiently send signature requests to multiple recipients.

In particular, the bulk send feature easily solved all of the problems that the customer had previously faced. No more emails, no more signatures, no more waiting for them to be collected. This was because they were able to enter the recipient’s emails and phone numbers at once, and send the power of attorney forms in just a few clicks.

After sending signature requests for power of attorney forms to recipients, the customer (sender) can now see the real-time status of the signatures requested in the bulk send inbox, as well being able to resend the forms to only those members who have yet to sign signatures, speeding up the process.

Also, for recipients who need to fill out a power of attorney form, they can now fill out, sign, and submit the required information on the form by receiving them via SMS or email without the cumbersome process of printing, signing, and scanning the form, making it easier for them to sign and return the forms.

Currently, the customer is also leveraging eformsign’s corporate branding features to better utilize the service. In addition to power of attorney forms, they have expanded the use of the service to internal documents, replacing the eformsign service’s logo with the association’s logo, and customizing the content of the notification email sent when a signature is requested, so they are using the e-contract service as if it were their own.

Leveraging eformsign for digital transformation

Why not use e-forms for power of attorney forms to easily collect signatures and store and manage them securely?

Improve work processes for both senders and recipients with eformsign!

No more of struggling with collecting signatures for power of attorney forms.

Easily send thousands of power of attorney forms for signatures at once with eformsign.
